Piazza San Pietro

He was late, very late, but an outsider would not be able to tell from his cool gaze and languid pace. He took the steps one at a time, taking slow and measured steps. Though St. Peter’s Basilica stood proudly to his back, he ignored it with the ease of a man who had seen the sight many, many times. After all, the young man worked there. Or, at least, he was trying to! 
Pope Francis had put out an advertisement in the local paper, Il Papa Giorni, for an intern, and he had jumped on the chance to work in Vatican City. As a boy, that had been his only dream; to one day take a bullet for the Papa. He’d gone through rigorous training, along with 7 other potential recruits, the course specially designed by the Stealth Division of the Swiss Guard for optimal Papal Protection. It had been a grueling 5 weeks.
The young man stepped delicately over the tiny chain blocking the staircase from curious tourists and stood in the crowd, surveying. He carefully straightened his starched collar and adjusted his tie; it was the one his mother had given him for his first interview, dark blue with tiny golden keys. Very fitting. His name tag glinted in the sun, and he flipped it to make it more visible. It wouldn’t do to be caught by security while canvasing for the Father of the Catholic Church himself. He checked his watch and cursed, careful to avoid the mortal sin of Blasphemy while doing so. He was supposed to meet his supervisor by the obelisk by noon, and he only had a few minutes left to cross the busy piazza. 
His fingers tightened around the plastic water bottle in his hand. Just a few more days, and hopefully he’d finally get a paid position. A tourist slammed into his side, immediately issuing profuse apologies in rapid German. He waved her off, and slid his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose. Tourists. Always making his job harder. With a glance and a half hearted kick towards the pigeon puttering about at his feet, he strode off, into the rising heat of the hazy sun. 


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